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(#027 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
“It was then that I dragged you My child!”

Stop trying to see or feel your way into My Kingdom, for it is not a Kingdom that comes by way of sight or sensations, but rather, a Kingdom of knowing, knowing the My mind deep within. The Kingdom of the Mighty One does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the Kingdom of the Mighty One is within you.” (Luke 17:20-21) My Kingdom is Hebraic, not Greek. It is truth, not philosophical theory. And it is of the My mind (the Hebraic heart), not the emotional heart (the Greek heart).

When your faith is built on emotions, you set yourself up for failure loved one. Emotional faith is built on a shaky foundation; sinking sand if you need a more picturesque description (Matthew7:26). It wavers depending on what you feel in your “heart,” as if your heart remains uncircumcised (Greek). The uncircumcised heart is “wicked above all things!” (Jeremiah 17:9) It is subjected to human thoughts and emotions, as opposed to the circumcised heart, which loves and obeys Me no matter what it feels like (Deuteronomy 30:1-6).

In the original Garden I gave only commands, yet you, as they did, continue to live as if My intention was to give you “free will.” When did I give you a choice about which trees were “yes” and which tree was specifically “no”? Where did I imply that they, and now you, should choose “what you think is best?”

Your redemption, that which sealed your place in eternity, was My Sovereign decision. It was not a walk along the beach during which I carried you when things were rough and you walked on your own when all was good. Before your redemption, NOTHING was good. But, once that was finished, you were required to learn how to pick up your own torture stake and prove that you love Me (Luke 9:23). How? Those who love Me “Keep My commands?” (John 14:15) It is not a choice to do so, however; that is where the deception remains. You cannot declare that you love Me and disobey My commands? Tell Me if you think otherwise.

Listen to Me loved one; if all of your choices apart from My supernatural intervention brought death prior to your redemption, then how can you believe My purpose was to give you “freedom” to choose now? Are you starting to see it? If you choose anything apart from My will, you are not free; that is bondage. True freedom is having no choices. When My way is the only way, then you are truly free.

If you attempt to “choose” otherwise, then I must drag you.


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