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Confident Humility

Confident Humility

(#074 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©) Humility, yes. False humility, no! Who told you that meekness meant weakness? Apologizing for things you did not do, or believing that everyone must like you. Who told you that humility was living in poor conditions, physically, spiritually or emotionally? Meekness is not powerlessness, but actually ABSOLUTE power under control; confident humility! There was one who once lived as a man who demonstrated ABSOLUTE power under control. Abuse? Who told you that you are expected to take abuse as a sign of your love towards Yahweh? “But Yahshua said give your cloak and tunic. He also let them spit on Him and he even forgave them,” you say. Yes, this is correct, and He also “disappeared from their midst” several times when they tried to kill Him (Luke 4:30; John 8:59). He would “know His time;” He had ABSOLUTE power under control. Get wisdom! Get understanding! Anything done with a heart (mind) that submits to the Father is powerful and correct. Find anywhere Yahshua apologizes, other than FOR you, saying, “Forgive THEM Father…” His sinlessness made it so apologizing would not be necessary. Who apologizes for holiness? That’s the point! Many claimed to be offended, harassed and hurt by Yahshua, but He knew better. He had ABSOLUTE power under control. False humility stems from insecurity, and insecurity from rejection. And on and on it goes. Yahshua, in reference to being murdered on the stake, disregarded the shame, “for the joy set before Him” (Hebrews 12:2). His connection with the Father enabled Him to constantly remember the crux of all that He was asked to do, and all that stood in His way. It was Yahweh’s will that Yahshua would die for the sins of many. It gives Yahweh great pleasure to offer this death to you and me (Hebrews 2:10). Yahshua knew His Father’s heart, for it also gave Him pleasure to be our sacrifice. He also knew that serving the Father in such as capacity, with unabashed obedience, established Him as the authority over even those who called themselves His enemies. In reality, He was positioned with such prominence that He could have no enemies. Anyone or anything that would come against Him, could only do so with His permission. He had the ability to call on legions of Malachim at any time, yet He never did (Matthew 26:53). He had ABSOLUTE power under control. He knew the principalities He dealt with and He knew man was inferior to anything the Father could perform on His behalf. He had no doubt. He forgave His murderers, you and me, with a whole heart. He did it with a sound mind. He chose it with no malice. He had ABSOLUTE power under control. Let us give you an example, so it becomes practical for you. Someone makes a claim that you offended them when your intent was not to do so. The secure person, one close and connected to the Father and who understands humility, might say this. “I’m sorry you misunderstood. My intent was not to offend you. May I explain what I meant?” This person is not upset, nor harmed in any way by the misunderstanding. It ends right there for them. The insecure person, displaying false humility, might sound like this. “No, no. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry; I did not mean it like that. Please let me explain.” Their need to be affirmed and understood is no longer humility, but insecurity. They will continually apologize until they “feel” accepted again. They will carry that burden for days and weeks until they get what seems like resolve, though it never comes. Yahweh is your security! Live close to Him and He will fill your heart with true humility, confident humility, which is ABSOLUTE power under control. #FullStature #SufferWell
Cut to the Chase: Faith Defined

Cut to the Chase: Faith Defined

1) The evidence of things unseen;

2) Belief that He exists and rewards those who seek;

3) When material gain does not define life;

4) Enduring without knowing the end result;

5) From belief to absolute knowing;

6) Hope acted upon;

7) The path of righteousness (right thinking);

8) Given in measure, multiplied in fruit;

9) The Spirit’s whisper;

10) Obedience anyway;

11) Accepting a new mindset;

12) Moving forward in Him, even while you might actually be scared to death.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… For without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to the Almighty must believe that He is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:1, 6)

If You Seek

If You Seek

(#072 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9)

Do you understand the “you” and the “ask, seek and knock” of My command? Do you see the choice, the pattern of having to choose? The “and,” the “ask and; seek and; knock and” proves that effort is required. The “you” brings to light that no one can do it for you, not Abraham; not Moses; not Paul; only you. This command reveals many mysteries.

He can be found. Yes, He may even hide at times. Perhaps He’s playing hide and seek with you. Perhaps He even disappears for a while, on purpose. Consider, again, from yesterday’s devotion, Lamentations 3:7-8:

He has walled me in so I cannot escape;
He placed heavy chains on me.
Indeed, when I cry out, calling for help,
He shuts out my prayer.

He hides at times because He intends to elicit effort from His children. No effort, no revelation. You get it? The doubt; the fear; the wondering: it’s all in your head! Do you want to be healed? He is the cure for all dis-ease. Do you want to fly? He is the answer for all of your hopes and dreams.

Yes, much like the little children playing the game called “hot or cold,” you must ask, seek, and knock to find what you are looking for. His Spirit is calling out to you. Can you hear the whisper? “You’re getting cold; change directions.” “Now you’re getting warmer,” the Spirit beckons. “Hot, you’re getting hot,” your senses are now alive with anticipation!

No doubt, He is here to help, but you must provide the effort. He must see your desire to find Him and all He has for you. Staying lukewarm will not end well (Revelation 3:16). Won’t you be hot for Him? Will the words of Paul be the banner over your life? “To live [capture the holy mindset] is Messiah, and to die [let go of all ‘self’ ambition] is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) He is waiting.

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Turn Back

Turn Back

(#071 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

I am a man familiar with affliction—
under the rod of the Almighty’s anger.
He has led me—brought me
into darkness, not into light.
He truly turned His hand against me,
again and again, all day long.
He made my flesh and skin prematurely old;
He broke my bones.
He laid siege against me,
surrounding me with bitterness and suffering.
He has forced me to live in darkness,
like those who are long dead.
He has walled me in so I cannot escape;
He placed heavy chains on me.
Indeed, when I cry out, calling for help,
He shuts out my prayer.
He impeded my way with blocks of stone,
making my paths uneven.
He is like a bear that lies in wait for me,
a lion in hiding.
He forced me off my path,
tearing me to pieces and making me desolate.
He bent his bow,
aiming at me with his arrow.
He caused His war arrows
to pierce my vital organs.
I have become a laughingstock to all my people,
the object of their taunts throughout the day.
He has filled me with bitterness,
making me drink wormwood.
He broke my teeth on gravel,
covering me with dust.
He has removed peace from my life;
I have forgotten what prosperity is.
(Lamentations 3:1-17)

Your correction is impossible to ignore. Everything is atoned for. Perfection comes through repentance, even forced repentance. This is what happens when You decide to bring Your strong arm against Your children. Your love enables us to see our errors. There is no easy relief at this level. Restoration is to be earned at this point. The child will grow up. No sparing of the rod in this season. (Proverbs 22:15) The Rod is meant to make us cry out. So, cry out we will Abba!

“Turn back to me Father. Please help me heal the wounds. Afflicted for my good, I accept the wisdom of it. I would like to move forward now. I would like to rise from my fall. My awe for You is permanent. I accept the scars on my heart and my soul as good. It is a reminder, like nail marks. Yes, there is restoration for me and my family, yet there are others, those who loved me. They believed in me. Grant me this prayer Father. Let me restore all that may have been taken on my account, even to those who abandoned me. You know them Father. If I have found grace in Your sight, if I have pleased You Father, then send Your manna. Peace on every side Father. This prayer I ask of You, in Yahshua’s name. So be it!”

May He give you the desire of your heart and fulfill all your purpose. (Psalm 20:4)

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Suffering Removes Sin

Suffering Removes Sin

(#070 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

Who created the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Psalm 23)? Who created the idea of death itself? Who created the evil one for the tempting? Who created physical and emotional tests? Dare you, My creation, steal My thunder and give credit to another. I own all I’ve created, and this includes suffering. It is Mine and you need to learn of and from it.

Brace yourself, all of you who claim to love Me. Your suffering is produced, directly or indirectly, from sin. Hear this! Suffering removes sin; it is designed to do so. Some insist on suffering as they persist in sinning. Slow your mind; I know that you have questions. I also know of your misunderstanding of My ways; My ways are above yours (Isaiah 55:9). I want you to listen as I say it again. Directly or indirectly, sin results in suffering. And what is even harder to swallow is that My perfect Son suffered for your sins! This proves that one can suffer because of the actions of others. Think about how this plays out in marriage, for instance. Of course your sins affect others. The same goes for the body, My people, Israyl. Yes, I know it is a big responsibility to consider that your personal sin affects many, but you had better accept it. It is My reality, and it does not change.

Do not resist Me about this! If My son remained sinless and yet suffered because of sin, how much more you? Do not conceptualize suffering in your mind as condemnation, instead, think sanctification. Suffering purifies. Read the words of My Spirit in Hebrews 2:10. “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” Yes, it is My pleasure to introduce you to suffering and purge out the evil in you.

In My eyes you are already white as snow (Isaiah 1:18), however, you are still conscious of your sin. It is your mind that still needs to be cleansed. You need to be able to say, without wavering, “Imitate me as I imitate the Messiah!” (1 Corinthians 11:1) Suffering will certainly help bring this to pass. Tell Me that you love My ways, the patterns in which I operate, and how I always work for the “good” of those who are called according to My purpose (Romans 8:28). Can you remember that suffering is the path to My goodness? It is a treasured tool that produces fruit. Embrace My pattern; it really is for your good.

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Yahweh’s Top Ten

Yahweh’s Top Ten

(#069 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

If you understand the totality of the renewed mind given as a gift to chosen men and women, then you would recognize that up until that point of redemption, we were all imprisoned in our minds dominated by “self” (the ego). The initial release from that prison becomes available when you experience this realization; “Hey, something has happened to me; for the first time I have this desperate need for Yahweh and the understanding of why His Son Yahshua had to shed His blood.”

This is the totality of the effects of Deuteronomy 30: obey His voice with a circumcised heart (mind); choose life; and abound in His blessings. Read it all and yet, be very careful. The initial release from our inner prison is only the first set of bars. The complete effect is a saved mind (salvation). There remains much work to do as each layer of the carnal “self” is removed from within the active and subconscious thought processes. And so with each release of the old, and the realization of the new creation you are (2 Corinthians 5:17), perhaps these ten steps might help with the healing process. Healing process? You better believe it. As the “self” decreases and the Messiah in you increases (John 3:30), you need to let each process slowly take root.

Meditate on these and let them take effect:

1. Scream out about the glory of the Father, Son and Ruach (Spirit), and this, within your soul;

2. Practice love and joy until He seals them within you;

3. Stay locked out from the world for a season, and repeat as necessary;

4. Embrace everything through the Messiah’s eyes and see the sweetness of it all;

5. Absolutely no big decisions made within the first thirty days of new freedoms realized;

6. No decisions ever made without Yahweh’s approval;

7. No decisions made without wife’s and husband’s mutual consideration (as applicable);

8. Sear righteous principles into those around you at all times;

9. Trust Yahweh to restore anyone and anything necessary;

10. Remember! Remember who the Father, Son and Spirit are to you, and what that means in regard to everything you face in life. No more guessing! No more “feeling” your way through life! Now you know and you are accountable!

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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