Shade (hue) Man Part 1
Posted : 05 Mar 2018Page Navigator
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The Hebrew word for “man” is adam (aw-dawm), its definition is “ruddy, show blood”; #120. “I will make adam in My image…” Let’s now find the Hebrew words that are the definitions of adam:
ruddy – admoniy, “reddish”; #132
blood – damah, “compare, resemble”; #1818
Do the Hebrew definitions intend to express any ideas that this adam is a physical being? Let’s look at a verse to further extrapolate intent and in doing so we will break down the verse:
“But be sure you do not eat (consciously consume) the blood (“compare, resemble”; life force) because the life (#5315!! Remember this number and we will return to it) is in the blood (life force), and you must not eat (consume) the life (#5315) with the meat (“flesh, rosy”; carnal mind; #1320).” (Deuteronomy 12:23)
Is life physical or something else? Stay tuned!
“I will make man in My image, according to My likeness.”
They Hebrew word for “image” is tselem (tseh-lem), its definition is “shade, illusion”; #6754. “I will make adam in My shade/illusion…” And now the Hebrew word that defines tselem:
Shade – tsemithuth, “excision, cutting out”; #6783
Does this seem to express something physical or is the intent otherwise?
As for a verse:
“Yahweh “is your keeper (“hedge”; protector of the perfected conscience; #8104), Yahweh is your tsemithuth (strict thoughts that adhere to His laws/mind patterns) at your right (“stronger, firm”; spiritual wisdom; #3225) hand (ability to “grasp”).” (Psalm 121:5)
A mental state or physical state?
“I will make man in My image, according to My Likeness.”
The Hebrew word for “likeness” is demuwth (dem-ooth), its definition is “eye, fountain”; #5869. “I will make blood (adam) in My shade (tselem), according to My eye/fountain.” And as for the Hebrew words that define demuwth:
eye-ayin, also #5869
As with the other terms there are many verses and yours to extrapolate, but we choose one for cause:
“He [Yahweh] found him [the “supplanted conscience”, Yaqqob] in a desert (consciously parched) land (firmly held thoughts); in a waste and howling (crying out) wilderness (conscious desolation) and instructed (consciously guided) him. He guarded (mentally hedged) him as the apple (“pupil”; central focus; #380) of his ayin (mental perceptions).” (Deuteronomy 32:10)