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Three available states of consciousness within every soul. The wickedness (Cain, Ham), the efforts to achieve spirituality apart from Yahweh’s Spirit (Abel, Japheth), and the spiritually renewed by Yahweh’s power (Seth, Shem). Three states of consciousness within each soul: 1) wickedness; 2) self reliant efforts towards spiritual truth; 3) Yahweh’s Spirit leading and ruling. And where do these three states of mind show up again? At Luke chapter 23 of course:

The wicked criminal – “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” (23:29)
Personal effort to achieve purity – “Do you not reverence Yahweh, since you are under the same sentence?” (23:40-42)
Yahweh’s Spirit leading – “And Yahshua said to him (personal effort), ‘Truly I say to you this day: You will be with me in perfection (mental paradise).'” (23:43)

And so we learn that at Genesis chapter 10 we are given mental access to the New Table (same word as “tablets”; more coming soon) of Nations (constructs in thought). After a flooding (mental destruction) of all but Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives, consciousness would begin again, but with the same access to failure and success as after Adam’s fall. This pattern would be alive and well when Mosheh is revealed. “She made for him an ark of bulrushes.” (Exodus 2:3)

The same ark (#8392) as Noah received, is now applicable to Mosheh. We talked of how the three available states of consciousness operate and Mosheh is representative of a mind that will “draw out” spiritual manna: MOsheh (mo-sheh’), “drawing, rescued, pull”; Strong’s #4872. In the beginning of the life of Mosheh he was literally saved from death (mental of course) by being placed in the “box, pour” of bulrushes. The Hebrew word for bulrushes is gOme l (go’-meh), “absorbent, porosity”; Strong’s #1573. So we realize that a soul that “draws out” and “absorbs” the spiritual things of Yahweh in the conscience, is whom Yahweh has “poured” into. Mosheh would carry forth that which was given to Noah and perhaps one or more of his sons, but something new would come:

At Exodus (a mental leaving behind) chapter 12, Yahweh would begin to reveal the mind patterns (Laws) to Mosheh and Aaron (AI * 6.‘r c d lwn (X-har-on), “illuminated”; intellectual light; Strong’s #175) within each chosen soul. When Adam “named” the animals at Genesis 2:19, it would be an accountability test. A test to live according to the wisdom and knowledge he had of all the available thought realms that Yahweh would create; the good trees (truths) and the bad. This, itself was a writing of the Law onto Adam’s mind. And so with Mosheh, Yahweh would begin to once again, hold man accountable to the wisdom and knowledge imparted. A redo of, “I command and you do!” We jump forward in time to expose the reality that as with Adam, mankind (thoughts) would continually fail when given the chance to simply obey predetermined, commanded patterns of thought. Man would always fail, but Yahweh would continue to unveil new patterns that over time would reveal His ultimate plan for chosen souls. At chapter 13 of Exodus, a process known as “sanctification” would be revealed: cfd’sh (kaw- dash’), “be clean”; Strong’s #6942.

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