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Whether man (soul) or animal (unruly thought), he shall not be permitted to live (stay active in the conscience)…'” (vs.12- 13) And so we come to understand that upon the invitation and inner reception to all of the mind patterns of the Perfect Mind, Yahweh’s Mind, that the soul is then invited into a new realm of thoughts and their processes, yet with boundaries applicable. The inner call to “rise up” has mandates for good cause, culminating in what we have explored the context to to( find; a mental Jubilee. “…When the shophar (commonly known as both “shofar” and “trumpet”; “clear, glisten”; inner realization of Yahweh’s Presence; #7782) sounds a long yobel (Jubilee; “blast, signal”; awakened mind; #3104) they [chosen souls/chosen minds] may go up the mountain (the “looming” Mind of Yahweh).” (vs.13)

The Jubilee would be none other than the processes that lead to and up to the souls inner realization of the invitation back to Oneness with the Mind of Yahweh, a meal blast for sure! And now we travel to Leviticus for more in depth look at the concept called yobel. “And you shall count seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years (7 x 7 = 49); and the time of seven Sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine (49 = 13 = 4 = N,S,E,W = the totality of allowable thought boundaries). Then you have the trumpet (mental clamor; #8643) of the yobel (awakened mind; Jubilee) sounded everywhere (into all thought boundaries) on the tenth day of the seventh moon (on the Day of Atonement), sound the trumpet (clamor) throughout your land (firmly established thought plain.” (Leviticus 25:8-9) The idea of a 49 year cycle to determine the patterns of Yahweh is of the utmost importance, and very important to understand. There is no better work – (though it is not of the metaphysical origin) then that of Joseph Dumond. His book “2300 Days of Hell”, is a must read for any serious student. I indeed could relate everything he writes about to the metaphysical plain, and perhaps you too will acquire the ability, but his work is important and necessary even if one fails to attain to metaphysical understandings. After each 49 year cycle (the last one ending in 1995) we have a 50th year (the last being 1996) given as a “Jubilee year”. It is important to note that the 50th year would also be equated to year 1 of a new 49 year cycle. Now back to Leviticus 25. “Consecrate (consciously fill and set apart) the fiftieth (the time of mental “favor”) year, and proclaim liberty (“rapid, freedom”; free flowing understanding of the will of Yahweh; #1865) throughout the land (firmly established thought plain) to all its inhabitants (settled thoughts). It shall be a yobel (mental blast) for you; and each of you shall return to his possession(“seized”; mental gifting; #272), and each of you shall return to his family (“class, sort”; realm of understanding; #4940). The fiftieth year shall be a yobel (mental signal of status and depth of understanding of Yahweh’s will) to you. In it [the internal recognition] you shall neither sow (consciously plant) or reap (consciously gather) what grows (new and yet fully formed comprehension of Yahweh’s will) voluntarily, nor gather from your untended vines (“ben”; conscious lifeline; #1612). (vs.10-11) A specific time every fifty years for a transformation in thought. As with all of the commanded feasts, a time Yahweh has chosen in order to effect the thought processes of His chosen souls. “For it [the 50th year] is the yobel (resounding mental alignment with the will of Yahweh); it shall be holy (consciously pure) to you; you shall eat (consciously consume) its produce (“approach, bring near”; mental production; #7126) from the field (thought plain)

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