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“These (the prescribed mind commands, statutes and decrees) are the terms (offer of mental renewal) of the covenant (“cutting, select, feed”; mind work) Yahweh commanded Mosheh to make (mentally establish) with the children (internal Kingdom builders) of Israyl (“thoughts ruled by and
for Yahweh”) in the land (thought plain) of Moab (“seed of father”; intellectual belief in the physical realm over the spiritual), in addition to the covenant He had made with them at Horeb (“dry, barren”; the vanquished conscience). And Mosheh summoned (called to the front seat of conscience) all Israyl (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh”), and said to them, ‘You had seen (perceived) all that Yahweh did right in front of your eyes (spiritual perception) in the land of Egypt (material consciousness) – to Pharaoh (“king, sun”; intellect derived from subconscious thought), to all his officials (chief thoughts) and to all his land (thought plain. With your own eyes you have seen the great trials (mind strife), the signs (mental “checks”), and those great wonders (profound utterances in the conscience) – But to this very day (illumination) Yahweh has not (not means not) given (unilaterally offered) you a mind of understanding (“Binah” of the Tree (truth) of Life within), nor eyes (perceptions) that see (wisdom), nor ears (hearing) that hear (understand).”

(Deuteronomy 29:1-4) Timing is everything. From broken stones to renewed stones to capabilities yet fulfilled, and this by Holy decree. In this short review we have been introduced to both the Old and New Covenants long before Yahshua physically arrives. This is no less than the spiritual introduction to “Yahweh saves” and how these very words are embodied in the true reality that the Covenants reveal the only proper mental discourse about the totality of the Covenant(s); Yahweh alone saves fallen minds. All “self” effort having been continuously exposed, it would only ever be the unilateral offer that would bring chosen souls back into perfect union with the mind of Yahweh. Let’s now discover what Mosheh foretold long ago.

Though chosen souls have been responsible to consciously uphold the mind patterns decreed by Yahweh since Mosheh, the full manifestation of the “full preaching” of the mind of Yahweh would be a future event that could only ever take place after the “last sacrifice”. Lets look at a few verses that foretell of a specific time on earth for the perfecting of souls; the utter fulfillment of the Covenant: “Therefore say, ‘This is what Father Yahweh says; I will gather you (chosen souls, chosen thoughts) from the peoples (carnal thoughts), and collect you from the countries (“firm”; carnally established thought centers) were you have been scattered (mentally fragmented), and I will give you the land (thought plain) of Israyl (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh”). And they (chosen souls, chosen thoughts) will come there (the “hedged” in protected thought plain) and they will take away all it’s detestable (consciously unclean) thing (thoughts foreign to holiness) and all it’s (the reprobate conscience) abominations from there. And I will give (unilaterally solidify) them one heart (“center of intellect”), and I will put (unilaterally place) a spirit (breath) of renewal within (the Kingdom) you, and I will remove the heart (mind) of stone (the remaining flesh thoughts) from their body (mindset) and I will give them a heart (mind) of flesh (“raw”; renewal).

So they may (permission being granted) walk (consciously stroll) in My statutes (mind appointments) and keep (mentally preserve) My ordinances (conscious enactments) and do them; and they will be My people (thoughts), and I will be their Father (principal consciousness).'”

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