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All of these Feasts took place in less then seven months.
Yahshua was baptized by Yahchanan in the late summer of the year 30 C. E., about 40 days before the Fall Feasts, of which scriptures confirm His attendance at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Every verse in Mattithyah, Yahchanan Mark, Luke and Yahchanan, that use the words Passover and Feast, have been looked at here and NO WHERE CAN A THREE YEAR MINISTRY BE VERIFIED. In fact, a ministry of actually less than one year is all that can be found, which conforms with Yahweh’s Law that requires that the lamb must be “of it’s first year.”

IN CONCLUSION, scripture tells us that Yahshua went to Martha, Miriam and Lazarus’ house to have supper the evening before He entered Yerusalem riding upon a donkey on Wednesday, Aviv 7. Yahshua drives out the money changers that same day, then goes to Bethany for the night. Yahshua goes back to Yerusalem to teach in the House of Yahweh for the next two days, Thursday and Friday, the 8th & 9th of Aviv. YAIISHUA HOLDS HIS MEMORIAL SUPPER ON FRIDAY EVENING AS THE WEEKLY SABBATH BEGAN THE 10th OF AVIV. Later that night, Yahshua goes into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, when He is betrayed byYahdah Iscariot and TAKEN CAPTIVE, which fulfills the Law requiring the lamb be selected from the flock on the 10th.

Yahshua is taken to Chananyah’s house, who is the former High Priest, and the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the current High Priest. It is at Chananyah’s house that Kepha denies Yahshua three times before the cock crows. Yahshua is taken to jail and held until after the weekly Sabbath Day has ended.

The Sanhedrin, at the direction of Caiaphas, convenes early on Sunday morning, the first day of the week. Many false witnesses are called to testify throughout the day. Early the next day, Monday, the second day of the week, Yahshua is taken to Pilate and turned over to the Roman soldiers. Pilate questions Yahshua and then, finding out that He is from Galilee, sends Yahshua to Herod. On Tuesday, the third day of the week, Yahshua is questioned at some length by Herod, then mocked by Herod and his soldiers. Herod sends Yahshua back to Pilate, and again, Yahshua spends His fourth and final night in prison before being seen by Pilate early on Wednesday morning. Pilate releases Barabbas on Wednesday morning, gathers the whole battalion of soldiers to watch Yahshua be stoned and scourged, then tries again to release Him. Pilate then gives in to the people and has Yahshua nailed to the stake at noon, because that is when the sky begins to turn dark. At 3:00 pm, YAHSHUA BREATHES HIS LAST ON THE 14th OF AVIV, the fourth day of the week, a Wednesday. Yahshua is then buried before sunset.

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