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More Greek Tragedy

The infiltration of the Hebrew texts with a Greek mindset goes far beyond what we have witnessed up to this point. Because power manifests in spoken words, it only stands to reason that lack of power comes from a deception in the thought world. Without a doubt, Greek perceptions often fall far from Hebrew perceptions, and it is in this that the power from the Most High, Mighty Yahweh, has visited very few from the masses who claim to serve Him. Let’s take a look at a few more of the deceptions that have entered into your conscience:

The Greeks claim that the word for “divine” is theios, thi-os; “god like, god head.” The root word is one we have come to know well; theos. The Greeks claim that the words “divine, divinity, divination” all represent positive affirmations of what would be acceptable to Yahweh.

The Hebrew meanings of the word divine:
1. na chash, naw-khash – “hiss, whisper, enchanter.” This very word is represented as the serpent (snake) in
The Garden of Eden;
2. qacam, kaw-sam; “distribute, soothsayer, magic.”

In every instance in the Hebrew Old Covenant, the word “divine” and all of its variations are used in a derogatory manner, and all are unacceptable to Yahweh. And yet, the Greeks offer up divine as a representation of goodness.
Let’s take a look:

Hebrews 9:1
(GL) – “Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of the theios (divine) service and the
earthly sanctuary.”

The Greeks claim that the services of Yahweh’s Covenant were divine. Now, a Hebrew perspective:
(HL) – “Then indeed, the first Covenant had both the ordinances of service and a worldly sanctuary.”

2 Peter 1:3
(GL) – “As His theios (god like, god head) power has given us all things that pertain to life and
Godliness (theos)…

The Greeks claim that the path to “godliness,” is through his theios (divine) power. Now, a Hebrew perspective:

(HL) – “As His holy power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and holiness…”

2 Peter 1:4
(GL) – “…that through these you may be partakers of the theios (god like, god head, divine)

The Greeks claim that to partake of Yahweh’s essence is “god like, god head, divine.” Now, a Hebrew perspective:

(HL) – “… that through these you may be partakers of the holy nature…”

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