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We could do more work together but that was not the intent. This piece was written to expand your mental processes. To get into the specifics of the language of creation and far more, to Mighty Yahweh Himself. Just the beginning of a new journey into the mind of Yahweh brought to us by “Yahweh saves” (Yahshua) and Ammah – the Ruach (whispers, breath) of Yahweh placed in you.

But wait, we never answered the question – the question, it is actually questions:
“Why the systematic use among all translations – why put the word virgin in specific places and not put it in specific places?” and, “Why have you fallen for it?”
The book has already been written. Alexander Hislop in his work titled “The Two Babylons”, does a wonderful job of exposing the entire premise of what can be historically proven as “mother/son worship”. A few excerpts from his book should help. In discussing the “distinctive character of the two systems”, Hislop says this:
“In leading proof of the Babylonian character of the Papal Church the first point to which I solicit the reader’s attention, is the character of the MYSTERY which attaches alike to the modern Roman and the ancient Babylonian systems.

The gigantic system of moral corruption and idolatry described in this passage under theemblem of a woman with a “Golden Cup In Her Hand” (Rev 17:4), “making all nations DRUNK with the wine of her fornication” (Rev 17:2, 18:3), is divinely called “MYSTERY, Babylon the Great” (Rev 17:5). That Paul’s “MYSTERY of iniquity”, as described in II Thessalonians 2:7, has it’s counterpart in the Church of Rome, no man of candid mind, who has carefully examined the subject, can easily doubt… It was a matter, therefore, of necessity, if idolatry as the Babylonian system contained in it’s bosom, that it should be stealthily and in secret.”
Worship of mother and son to overtake the worship of the Father. Is it of any significance that Miriam classified herself as the “handmaiden of Yahweh”? Did she intend to be worshipped by the masses as a pure and undefiled deity? Is it any wonder that when Yahshua was called “good” that he offered this response: “Why call me righteous? There is only One who is the standard of perfect righteousness, and that is Yahweh only.” (Luke 18:19) Or that it was said by Yahshua that he, “does not receive honor from men”? (Yahchanan/John 5:41) In order to take away the only commanded object of worship “Yahweh alone!”, the system handed down from Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, was that of mother/son worship. Let’s look at some more of what Hislop says about this reality: “In Papal Italy, as travelers universally admit (except where the Gospel has recently entered), all appearance of worshipping the King Eternal and Invisible is almost extinct, while the Mother and Child are the grand objects of worship.

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