(#042 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)
Adam: Why would anyone possibly blame me for the sinful desires of their own heart?
Eve: Well Adam, you know that you are the first man to have sinned.
Adam: Gee, thanks honey. I did have help if you remember. I am serious though; I don’t like the idea one bit, being blamed for the sin of another. It’s simply preposterous, unconscionable really.
Eve: Well, one day I am sure people will create their own doctrines and portray the beliefs they had conjured up in their own hearts as if they actually came from our Father.
Adam: You mean people will actually believe the doctrine that Yahweh will hold me accountable for their own lawlessness?
Eve: It’s bound to happen.
Adam: Yahweh has forgiven me and, although my consequence for rebellion was grave, His forgiveness made me into a new creation. Abba says that all men have this same opportunity to repent and become brand new.
Eve: So, it would seem that even their sin of changing the words of Abba will be forgiven as well?
Adam: Yes honey, but it still bothers me. If they are made into new creations, why would they sin again even after such grace is bestowed on them? And even worse, why would they sin and blame it on me?
Eve: I am quite sure both will happen. It seems that humans have a propensity to do just that.
Adam: Well there you have it then!
Eve: Have what Adam?
Adam: All men will be just like me, all on their own; they won’t need my help to sin. I just happened to be the first.
Eve: Please elaborate Adam.
Adam: Sin once, okay, blame me! But, sin again after you have been renewed, now who’s to blame?
Eve: Oh, I see. Now let’s pray that they will see it as well.
So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to the Almighty. (Romans 14:12)