The Immaculate Deception
Posted : 06 Dec 2017Page Navigator
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Matt 1:19 – “Then Yahseph her husband (“be extant”; continuing mental existence), being a just (sanctified) man (thought) and not willing to expose (“love covers a multitude of sins”) her to public humiliation had in mind to divorce (Hmmm) her quietly.” Divorce? A very specific event in Hebraic understanding? How could Yahseph be considering divorce if they were only betrothed (as per verse 18)? The answer is a few verses ahead but until we get there the words “dream” and “sleep” should help.
Matt 1:20 – “But while he [Yahseph] thought about these things, behold, the malak (“message”) of Yahweh appeared to him in a dream (“dream, bind”; conscious connecting to Yahweh at a different frequency), saying, ‘Yahseph, son (builder) of David (“love, praise”; thoughts of love and praise), do not be afraid to take Miriam (because of what transpired as per Luke chapter 1, soon to come) as your wife (unified consciousness), for that which is conceived (mentally long before physically; the Kingdom within) in her is through the Holy Spirit.'”
** malak (“message, messengers”; thoughts placed into the minds of the chosen by Yahweh Himself; malak are erroneously called “angel(s),” [see “The Devil Inside” for more on this]).
Of course he was dreaming, he was asleep. and in order to move forward and based upon text soon to be explored in the book of Luke, we come to realize why “divorce” in the previous verse. Yahseph is having a literal nightmare based upon Miriam’s explanation of the spiritual visit she was given.
Part of Yahseph’s nightmare based upon the truth of Torah was that this all happened while they were married and that would of course potentially bring adultery into the equation (remember he was a “just man”. A just thought thinks of these things). As verse 20 reveals to us, Yahweh sends Yahseph a mental message (available scripturally through obedience, dreams and visions) to clarify true reality. Based upon Luke 1:26 we can assume that the malak (mental message) had the name Gabriyl (“man of strength”; thought strength; thoughts that bring strength into consciousness).
The intent was that Yahweh was placing into Yahseph strengthening thoughts, affirming via a dream, that he was not in fact married. The “strength” to not be fearful of what Miriam’s visitation meant. The affirmation that, “that which is conceived in her is through the Holy Spirit”, would have been both comforting and strengthening to him. A just man knows that everything that controls one’s conscience is either conceived of the Holy Spirit or it comes from the fallen man within; the self will. The worldly sensual mind has “conceived” and sexuality is immediately part of the equation.
For the Kingdom within, through it’s Hebrew language with it’s Hebraic intent, conceiving is always about where thoughts derive from. There are only two sources of wills. The will of Yahweh and the will of man. Everything is either conceived “through the Holy Spirit” or, “through the will of man”.