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Let’s look at the actual definition again for tsowm: “cover (the mouth)”. And what does the Hebrew language tell us of “mouth”: peh (peh), “blowing, edge, portion”; #6310. Its root, paah (paw-aw) “puff, blow”; 4*6284, “blowing, edge, puff, blow”. I have referenced it above, the work titled, “Shade (hue) Man”. The exhaustive detail of Hebraic intent via Hebrew words and letters (peh being the 17th letter) of the Aleph- beis, leaves no doubt that in reference to the word mouth, ACTIVE THOUGHTS is the intent. Yes indeed from the perspective of “the Kingdom within you”, (Luke 17:21) the mouth (blowing, edge, portion) is about active thoughts in the mind. And as for the idea that fasting (tsowm) is to “cover (the mouth)”, it is about utterly destroying any active thoughts within that take away from a specific focus, the purpose of the “fast”.

Remember that fasting is not as we have learned “afflicting (humbling) the soul,” BUT fasting (controlling active thoughts utterly for a specific purpose) can incorporate humbling the soul! We just refuse to “add” or “take” from Yahweh’s purposes for independent (not reliant upon Yahweh alone) purposes.

Fasting is specific mental focus with a mental agenda; to move Yahweh’s will into action! Is it any wonder that even the Renewed Covenant tells us that in reference to major battles (internal first of course) that, “This kind (disbelieving thoughts) only go out (out of the realm of active thought) by prayer and fasting…” (Mattithyah 17:21, Mark 9:29)

A few more observations for your final mental consideration. We discussed the idea that Hebraically, there is not one single scripture in the entire Torah (and therefore the totality of the word of Yahweh), wherein a fast in commanded with any of the ONLY three commanded Feasts. Light minded (hearted), I expressed the idea that, “While Yahweh says ‘Feast!’, traditions of man cry out, ‘Fast!'”. Yahweh can never be the double -minded One, can He? We also spoke truth in that if a soul chose to “fast (tsowm)” in order to anah (humble) the mind (soul), that there is in fact precedent for that: “But when they [certain thoughts] were sick, we put on sackcloth (“mesh, coarse”; determined thoughts; #8242 and anah (humbled) ourselves with tsowm (fasting). We prayed with our h eads (“shake, rank”; personal thoughts and ideas; #7218) bowed on our breasts (“bulging, swell”; overwhelmingness; #7699.

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