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We do so by inquiring of others patterns Yahweh has given in reference to Succoth:

“But Yaaqob (“supplanter”; the renewing conscience; #3290), however, journeyed to Succoth (thoughts “entwined” with Yahweh’s thoughts), built himself a house (mental dwelling), and made booths (“hut, lair”; a temporary connection to Yahweh’s specific purposes) for his livestock (“taught, acquired”; mental substance; #4735). Therefore, the name of that place is called Succoth (“booths”; protection by and for Yahweh’s will),” (Genesis 33:17) The renewing conscience partaking of exalted thoughts and then dwelling upon those thoughts, and then relying upon these exalted thoughts to create and form new ideas within – Succoth.

“Then the children (builders) of Israyl (thoughts “ruled” by and for Yahweh) journeyed (“start”; consciously began towards; 45265) from Rameses (“son of the son”; ego building foundation in thought; #7486) to Succoth (thoughts intertwined with Yahweh’s mind) about six -hundred thousand (600,000 = 6, 6 carnal mind) men [thoughts] on foot (led about), besides women (“mentally melancholy”; #802 & #508) are children (builders of consciousness).” (Exodus 12:37) Part and parcel of the process of inner renewal is leaving behind the material (Egypt) constructs of the mind led by the ego, and consciously being led to the renewing thoughts of and from Yahweh that rebuild one’s entire thought world unto mental salvation; Oneness with the mind of Yahweh – Succoth.

“And in the valley (mental struggle), Beth Harom (“House of height”; self exaltation; #1028), Beth Nimrah (“House of spots”; iniquitous thoughts; #1039, Succoth (thoughts “entwined” with Yahweh’s during struggles), and Zaphon (“covered”; hidden, deceptive thoughts; #6829) with the remainder of the realm of Sihon (“tempestuous”; #5511) king (dominant thought) of Heshbon (“contrivance”; carnal intellect; #2808) the east (open) side of the Yardan (“decrease”; mental inferiority; #3383), the territory (mind boundary) up to the end of the sea (tumultuous thought plain) of Kinnereth (“harp like”; nervous energy; #3672).” (Yahshua 13:27)

This was the mental territory given to Gad (“crowd, attack”; the power faculty in the conscience; #1410) and it would be this mental power “intertwined” with the will of Yahweh that would remove the mental struggle within chosen souls – Succoth.

“The king (reigning thoughts) had them [inner working thoughts] cast in clay (“compact, dense”; forming ideas; #4568) molds in the plain (thought expanse) of the Yardan (mental decrease) between Succoth (intertwining with the will of Yahweh) and Zeredah’ (“pierce, puncture”; troubled thoughts; #6868).” (II Chronicles 4:17)

The clay in the Potter’s Hand indeed, and all of it about conscious behavior. Entwined with the will of Yahweh, only then can a soul experience the reformation needed in order to save the mind. The location of this Succoth is in Ephraim (“double fruit”; the will faculty in the conscience; #669) and Zeredah (trouble) is located in the territory of Manasseh (“causing to forget”; the understanding faculty in the conscience; #4519) showing us how “trouble” comes from misunderstanding Yahweh – Succoth.

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