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quatsiyr (kaw-tseer), “severed, reaped”; #7105
Its root, qatsar (kaw-tsar), “dock, curtail”; #7114
First found in Genesis (“Beginning”; the start of
consciousness for created souls) in three specific verses:
Genesis 8:22 — “While the earth (mind of man) remains, seedtime (“seed, sow”; mental conceiving; #2233), and qatsiyr (mental gathering), and cold (“cold, quiet”; solitude; #7120), and heat (“heat, hot”; struggle; #2527), and winter (“crop, stripping”; lack; #2779), and summer (“harvest, clip”; refinement; #7019), and day (illumination) and night (dullness) shall not cease.” Genesis 30:14 — “Now Reuben (“see ye a son, see”; the faculty that eliminates; #7205) went in the days of the wheat (faith) qatsiyr (mental reaping), and found mandrakes (“boiler, basket”; attempts at love; #4736) in the field (thought plain) and brought them to his mother (“bond”; connecting thoughts; #517) Leah (“weary, faint”; the souls longing for love; #3812). Then Rachel (the soul’s receptivity) said to Leah (the longing); ‘Give me some of your sons (builders) mandrakes (stoked love).'”

Genesis 45:6 — “For two years the famine (“hunger, famish’; mental longing; #7456) has been in the land (solid thought plain), and for the next five years there will be no plowing (“scratch”; digging out truth; #2758) nor qatsiyr (mental reaping).” And so in reference to the Hebraic intent we see (consciously perceive, of course) that the qatsiyr is indeed also a state of mental being. The first mention of the “Feast of Harvest” comes at Exodus 23:16: “And keep (consciously uphold) the Feast (mental appointment for listening to the will of Yahweh) of Harvest (receiving Yahweh’s will and leaving behind the “self” will) with the firstfruits of your crops (“action, transaction”; mental labours; #4639) you sow (disseminate) in your field (thought plain)…”

firstfruits – bikkuwr (bik- oor), “firstfruits”;#1061
its root, bakar (baw-kar), “burst, bear”; #1069

We have our first taste of the “firstling” at Genesis 4:4: “And Abel (“empty, astray”; the souls attempt at righteousness apart from Yahweh; #1893) also brought an offering (mental sacrifice) from the firstlings (newborn thoughts) of his flock (growing thoughts) and of their fat (abundance).

And Yahweh honored Abel and his offerings.

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