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Do we see how it could have ended as such: “…the thigh that was offered (#8641).” Since we are specifically dealing with Torah verses in reference to the Feasts it is necessary for you to know that not one single verse under the title “heave”, in Strong’s is a verse dealing with the Feasts.

Yes, the “heave offering” is applicable in instances other than the Feasts and the work to understand them is yours to do. It was important for you to understand that one can get very lost and lose truth if matters like this were not perceived. Let’s now go to the title “Offering” in Strong’s and find where our word teruwmah (#8641) is applicable to the Feasts. In order to do so we need to connect the teruwmah in it’s appropriate place. At Exodus 29:22 we learn of the ram being the item that is heaved (teruwmah) in order to consecrate (both “fill” and “open” the mind) of the Priest (thoughts that judge rightly). It is this Priesthood consecrated that does the work of atonement (mental reconciliation) at places such as Leviticus 16:32: “And the priest who is anointed and consecrated…” And with this we come to understand that the sacrifice that leads to the teruwmah is that which consecrates the Priest to do any and all of the work required at each Feast, as well as the “additional” days we recognize in the calendar at the beginning. Teruwmah is a part of every Feast in which the Priest has duties and this entire body of work helps you now see how all “offerings” of the feasts must incorporate “teruwmah”!

Vows nadar (naw-dar), “promise”; #5087
promise – dabar (daw-bar), “word, cause”; #1697

And so we understand the Hebraic intent is a mind agreement between the -soul and Yahweh in which one agrees to perform according to the mandates of the vow itself. Make no mistake, a vow can be with and for other souls of course, but Yahweh is always a party to every vow. It is Him that one ultimately is vowing to! Our first account of an offered vow is found at Genesis 28:20-22, again proving that the Patriarchs before Mosheh fully understood these things:

“Then Yaagob (the conscience “supplanted” with the breath of Yahweh) made a vow (mental promise), saying, ‘If Yahweh will be with [consciously covenanted] me, and keep (consciously uphold) me in this way (consciously exalted; “in the heavens”) that I am going, and give me bread (His will understood) to eat (consciously digest) and clothing (mental “covering”) to put on, so that I come back to my father’s house (mindset) in peace, then Yahweh shall be my heavenly (consciously exalted)

Father (“chief” mindset). And this stone (“build”; mental foundation; #68) I have set as a pillar (“stationed;” mental stronghold; #4676) shall be Yahweh’s House (“family”; unified mind; #1004), and all of the things [thoughts and ideas] that you give me, I surely will give a tenth (“accumulate”; firstfruits; acknowledgment of the source of inner renewal; #6237).'”

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