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Unlike selfishness, gratitude and humility in the thought world, towards Yahweh, will always produce an acceptable and pleasing offering that is a sweet aroma to Yahweh. At Genesis 8 we have an account of a burnt (“step, ascend”; conscious advancement through refinement; #5930) offering, offered (“bi’ought near, present”; reverence; #7133) by Noah (“rest, settle”; the quieted conscience; # 5146), …of every clean animal (“dumb”; ignorant thoughts; #929) and of every clean (consciously acceptable to Yahweh) bird (“cover, fly”; unattainable thoughts; #5775)…” (8:20)

Similarly we have four more documented, pre Mosheh and Aaron offerings, in Genesis. The first is at chapter 22: “And He [Yahweh] said, ‘Take your son (“builder” of the renewing conscience), your only son, Isaac (“mockery”; doubting thoughts; #3327), whom you love (Yahweh exposes the inner thoughts that love to doubt Him), and go to the land (firm thought plain) of Moriyah (“seen of Yahweh”; bitterness within exposed; #4179), and sacrifice him [doubt and mockery] there as a burnt (mental ascending) offering (#7133).” (vs.2) And now Abraham’s (“father of a multitude”; the many renewing thoughts within chosen souls; #85) obedience to sacrifice bitterness and mockery, Yahweh responds: “For now [upon being chastened] I know that you reverence (mentally revere) Yahweh, seeing you have not withheld (kept from renewal) your son, your only son from Me,” (vs.12) and Yahweh then provided a ram (strength) in the thicket (“corpse, entwine”; old dead thoughts renewed; #5442) for the offering. (vs.13)

At Genesis 31:54 Yaaciob (“supplanted”; the conscience being renewed by Yahweh’s unilateral mind covenant; #3290) offers (“slaughter”; #2076) his first sacrifice and at Genesis 35:14 he offers a drink (“imbibe”; mental recognition of Yahweh; #8354) offering. Our last offering of Genesis is at Chapter 46 verse 1, where the man once named Yaaclob, now Israyl (thoughts “ruled” by and for Yahweh), again offers Yahweh sacrifices (“slaughtered” thoughts and ideas unto renewal, unto mental perfection).

Again, all of the above before the writer (mentally inscribed) Laws (mind patterns) of Mosheh (the conscience that “draws out” perfect thoughts). In order to get an intense and specific understanding of all of the offerings, offerings we can see that the patriarchs before Mosheh understood, we go to the beginning of Leviticus (the “call” to mental unification):

“Speak to the children (builders) of Israyl (thoughts “ruled” by one for Yahweh) and say to them, ‘When any one of you brings an offering (#7133) to Yahweh, you shall bring your offering with your animals (untamed, beastly thoughts); from your herds (“brave, plow”; active thoughts; #1241) or from your flocks (“migrate”; transitional thoughts; #6629).”

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